
Saturday, 12 March 2011

Home Made Purfumes

Hi everyone it took a bit of time for me to find some recipes for perfume. Well Here they are.
Like any art you use your  imagination to find a essence that is you. Perhaps you enjoy the  scent of a rose  or honeysuckle or may be the spices you use in the kitchen. Essences chosen like this is what, would  most likey suit you. You can change the recipes ingredients with what ever essence you like.You must realize that this will be an experiment and as such there is a risk that it will not come out like you would want it to.
If you choose one of the recipes, try to  choose one, that you think would suit your inner being. No perfume smells the same on anyone women. We all have a different essence that is unique to you , its  like you finger print.
Right, remember when it come to blending the oils, it is compared to a symphony, There are top notes , middle notes and bottom notes. It should come together in harmony, no one odour overpowers  the other. This is known as layer blending.
Okay lets get to the recipies.

This is an oriental type, very heavy and very spicy.
Ginger root                      20 drops
Sandalwood                       5 drops
Orange blossom                2 drops
Musk                                   2 drops
China lily  (narcissus)       2 drops

This   has a  smooth woody  essences
Tea rose                              20 drops
Sandalwood                       10 drops
Musk                                     4 drops

A clean-smelling purfume
Juniper oil                       20 drops
Spearment                        2 drops
Sandalwood                     2 drops

Don't just use the same ingredience, be adventurous, and make yourself, your very own  purfume .That says:
This is me !! 
Good luck and  happy mixing.

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